Evolution Kiosk



JCC and Prestop will again supply four registration kiosks to municipalities

JCC software and Prestop hardware go hand in hand for a total solution.

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Dutchen shows luxury holiday homes at fair with Prestop and Omnitapps

Visitors to the fair can view brochures, price lists, videos and photos of Dutchen's luxury holiday homes

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The most versatile touch tables can be found at Prestop

Presenting, informing, collaborating, drawing: the Lift & Tilt Smart Touch Table brings interactivity into every environment.

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Innovative High Low registration kiosk for the municipality of Breda

JCC and Prestop have installed two height-adjustable registration kiosks at the municipality of Breda.

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Prestop and JCC deliver registration kiosk to Dutch municipality

Together with JCC, Prestop has created a total solution for registration with municipalities, among others.

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Digital reception for Pento

A digital reception has been installed for audiological center Pento.

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Prestop Creations Magazine - custom software projects

The new Prestop Creations Magazine is here for you to read and as a source of inspiration! Get in touch with us!

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New Domino's stores equipped with Prestop Self-Order Kiosks

In December, Prestop has installed two new DUO Evolution self-order kiosks at two different locations in Rotterdam.

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Vingino Pick and Learn: the interactive denim bar

Custom made to interactively get info on jeans and see where it is on the shelves.

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Trevvel registration kiosks for hospitals

The Ikazia Ziekenhuis and the IJsselland Ziekenhuis now also have a Trevvel hospital kiosk.

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Omnitapps multitouch configuration for Stichd

Omnivision has created an Omnitapps4 configuration for Stichd, strategic partner in the field of sports underwear.

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Twenty 65 inch 4K touch tables for Sectra

For our Swedish customer Sectra, our employees Bart and Ronnie once again worked hard to build 20 touch tables.

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Recharge Kliko customer card at a Prestop ordering kiosks

On behalf of the company Kliko, we supplied three kiosks with a CCV PIN unit and a contactless customer card reader.

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Museum Vakdagen were a success

A successful fair with interesting conversations.

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The Abbey of Bornem

For the abbey of Bornem in Belgium, which is now open to visit, two large 65-inch smart touch tables

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Interactive mirrors CK

In Calvin Klein's flagship store Dusseldorf, two interactive mirrors have been mounted by Pretop. Read more

Interactive lobby table

A unique touch table for the waiting visitor to our Interactive Experience Centre.

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Zuidplein Motify Experience Monitor

Motify is a highly valued customer who is very creative!

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Collabration / Moodboard touch table

In combination with the right application that Prestop offers, this table is extremely suitable for

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Interactive kitchen table

This touch table is the most modern touch table in the oldest "jacket" available.

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Dolmen information at four locations

Hunebed information can now be viewed at a total of four locations in the Netherlands and Germany on Prestop touch tables and wall<

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Interactive Experience Center.

Prestop has the largest Interactive Experience Center in Europe. You are welcome in our showroom, at Ekkersrijt 4611 in Son en Breugel, where we can show you all our solutions.

Prefer online? Our specialists are happy to walk through our Interactive Experience Center with the iPhone with Zoom. Live images are shown and you can ask questions directly from home/work.

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